Sunday 18

Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist

8am - 9am
A quiet spoken service, using the Book of Common Prayer, with scripture readings, prayers, and a short homily, as well as the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist.

Holy Eucharist

9am - 10:15am
The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, celebrated with a sermon using the Book of Common Prayer.

CCC Sunday Soup Kitchen

10am - 2pm
Cathedral Community Cares operates a weekly Sunday Soup Kitchen that serves breakfast at 10 am, a hot sit-down lunch at 12:30 pm. With no eligibility restrictions, meal s...

Martin Luther King Day Choral Eucharist

11am - 12:30pm
This service, in commemoration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will include readings from his speeches and other writings as well as musical selections curated b...

Martin Luther King Day Luncheon with Rev. Sekou

12:45pm - 2pm
Join Cathedral clergy and our guest preacher for a simple lunch and conversation on the place of the Church and its people in the social justice movements. Sponsored by t...

Secrets of St. John the Divine

1pm - 2pm
What are a stripper and the signs of the zodiac doing in our stained glass windows? Find out on this tour that puts the spotlight on surprising images in glass and stone....

Spiritual Sing with Alice Parker

2pm - 3pm
Join Alice Parker, choral conductor, educator and Artistic Director of Melodious Accord, for an hour of communal singing in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Alice...

Choral Evensong

4pm - 5pm
Choral evening prayer in the tradition of the great Cathedrals of the Anglican Communion. Preces and Responses, Anthems, and Canticles sung by the renowned Cathedral Choir.

Freedom Concert

6pm - 7pm
Professional musicians from leading New York City institutions present a concert in response to the non-indictments following the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner....
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