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Cathedral Community Update: Growing Intentional Community

January 14, 2021

The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel IIl, Dean, invites the Cathedral community to join a virtual gathering to discuss the Cathedral’s response to ongoing challenges, reflect on the opportunities that lie ahead, and visit with our very own, the Reverend Canon Patrick Malloy, Ph.D., Sub Dean. Pat will share exciting plans about the development of a major new initiative at the Cathedral: with the support of generous Cathedral patrons, we are establishing a new intentional community. The Cathedral will house a group of young adults each year who will live together in prayer and in service of the poor. Modeled on a community established by the Archbishop of Canterbury at his London residence, Lambeth Palace, the new intentional community at the Cathedral will be an internationally important ecumenical effort and promises to revitalize life on the Close.


  • Cathedral Community Update: Philip Binioris of the Hungarian Pastry Shop

    Cathedral Community Update: Philip Binioris of the Hungarian Pastry Shop

    July 29, 2021
    The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel III, Dean, invites the Cathedral community to join a virtual conversation to share updates on the Cathedral’s most urgent priorities this summer. The Dean will be joined by Philip Binioris, owner of the Hungarian Pastry Shop. First opened in 1961, the Hungarian Pastry Shop is part of the fabric of Morningside Heights, a place where students and residents come to for coffee, pastries and a quiet place to work. We are excited to hear from Philip, his connection to the Cathedral, and hopes for the upcoming year and the city’s reemergence.
  • Cathedral Community Update with Sean Flynn

    Cathedral Community Update with Sean Flynn

    May 27, 2021
    The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel III, Dean, invites the Cathedral community to join a virtual conversation to share updates on the Cathedral’s most urgent priorities and welcome a special guest, Sean Flynn, author of the newly-released book “Why Peacocks?” "Why Peacocks?" features our very own avian residents, Jim, Harry, and Phil. Sean is a National Magazine Award–winning journalist and author who's reported from six continents during the past 30 years as a long-time correspondent for GQ. In this most recent book, he chronicles his hilarious and heartwarming first year as a peacock owner and his travels across the globe to learn more about the birds firsthand. He, of course, visited us at the Cathedral and spent the day learning about the storied history of the Cathedral’s peacock, visiting their swanky (by peacock standards) coop, and generally getting to know their distinct personalities!
  • Cathedral Community Update with Harry Smith

    Cathedral Community Update with Harry Smith

    February 25, 2021
    The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel IIl, Dean, invites the Cathedral community to join a virtual gathering to discuss the Cathedral’s response to ongoing challenges, reflect on the opportunities that lie ahead, and visit with Harry Smith, a television journalist who spent 25 years at CBS and is currently working for NBC News. As a longtime member of the Cathedral community, Harry will share insights on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the Biden administration, how faith has played a role in his career, and other relevant topics.
  • Cathedral Community Update: Growing Intentional Community

    Cathedral Community Update: Growing Intentional Community

    January 14, 2021
    The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel IIl, Dean, invites the Cathedral community to join a virtual gathering to discuss the Cathedral’s response to ongoing challenges, reflect on the opportunities that lie ahead, and visit with our very own, the Reverend Canon Patrick Malloy, Ph.D., Sub Dean. Pat will share exciting plans about the development of a major new initiative at the Cathedral: with the support of generous Cathedral patrons, we are establishing a new intentional community. The Cathedral will house a group of young adults each year who will live together in prayer and in service of the poor. Modeled on a community established by the Archbishop of Canterbury at his London residence, Lambeth Palace, the new intentional community at the Cathedral will be an internationally important ecumenical effort and promises to revitalize life on the Close.
  • Cathedral Community Update with James Patterson

    Cathedral Community Update with James Patterson

    October 1, 2020
    The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel IIl, Dean, invites the community to our next virtual gathering to share important updates on Cathedral priorities. He will also be joined by Jim Patterson, our director of facilities and capital projects. As the world's largest gothic cathedral, managing the facilities presents significant challenges. Now, these challenges are even more pronounced, and Jim’s team is working hard to ensure the Cathedral can continue to operate and support our community in this time of hardship.
  • Cathedral Community Update with Marie Del Tejo

    Cathedral Community Update with Marie Del Tejo

    September 10, 2020
    The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel IIl, Dean, invites the Cathedral community to gather for a virtual discussion about the Cathedral’s most urgent priorities going into the fall. He will also be joined by Marie Del Tejo, Executive Director of Advancing the Community of Tomorrow (ACT), whose team is keeping children active and engaged despite the challenges presented by COVID-19.
  • Cathedral Community Update with Gale Brewer

    Cathedral Community Update with Gale Brewer

    August 6, 2020
    The Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel IIl, Dean, invites the Cathedral community to join an interesting conversation with Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President. As a leader in our community, Gale will offer important insights into the ongoing challenges we face—from coronavirus to racial injustice and more—and discuss the Cathedral’s role through these crises in supporting vulnerable New Yorkers.
  • Cathedral Community Update with the Honorable Kevin Rudd

    Cathedral Community Update with the Honorable Kevin Rudd

    July 13, 2020
    With extensive experience leading during difficult times, including successfully guiding Australia through the 2008 financial crisis, and with unique perspectives on international cooperation as a leading authority on China and the inaugural President of the Asia Society Policy Institute, Mr. Rudd’s understandings on the ongoing challenges we face—from coronavirus to racial injustice and more—will provide valued insight in these times of great uncertainty.