Dialogues on Divinity

The Dialogues on Divinity series seeks to address vital contemporary issues with a theological lens. It is presented by the Community at the Crossing, an ecumenical monastic order for young adults, in residence at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

Fall 24 – Spring 25 programming coming soon

Dialogues on Divinity - video recordings

Couldn't make it to one of our Dialogues on Divinity this year?
You can now catch the recording of the evenings on YouTube.

- Dialogues on Divinity, Amy-Jill Levine - January 15, 2024
- Dialogues on Divinity, Sarah Coakley - February 5, 2024
- Dialogues on Divinity, A Love That is Holy and True: Interreligious Discovery - May 20, 2024

Click on the link below to access the CATC playlist on YouTube, scroll down to your desired video

Dialogues on Divinity on YouTube

23-24 programming

Dialogues on Divinity - A Love That is Holy and True: Interreligious Discovery

Monday, May 20, 6:30pm

As faithful witnesses to the word of God in the Torah, the Qur'an and the Gospel, members of different religions share a desire to live a life of love and justice, worthy of God’s promises. Join local scholars of Judaism, Islam and Christianity as they engage in dialogue on the pursuit of what is holy and true.

Dr. Burton Visotzky, Jewish Theological Seminary
Dr. Celia Deutsch, Barnard College
Dr. Hussein Rashid, Harvard Divinity School
The Very Rev. Patrick Malloy, Dean


Dialogues on Divinity - Sarah Coakley

Monday, February 5, 6:30 pm

The Rev. Sarah Coakley will lead a discussion on how ‘desire’ in the Bible, and in classic theological and monastic Christian literature, cuts across and challenges the presumptions of the ’sexualization’ of desire in contemporary Western culture.

Professor Sarah Coakley is Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity emerita, the University of Cambridge, and a priest in both the Anglican and Episcopal Church.


Dialogues on Divinity - Amy-Jill Levine

In conversation with Cathedral Dean Patrick Malloy

Monday, January 15, 6:30 pm

Amy-Jill will discuss with us how the Parable of the Good Samaritan raises necessary questions about neighbors and strangers, stereotypes and prejudice, complacency and challenge, even questions about history, colonialism, and liberation.

A world-renowned scholar, Amy-Jill Levine is currently the Rabbi Stanley M. Kessler Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace. She is also University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies Emerita, Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies Emerita, and Professor of New Testament Studies Emerita at Vanderbilt University.


Dialogues on Divinity - David Ford

Monday, October 9, 6:30 pm

Join the Community at the Crossing for a panel discussion with David Ford, author of “The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary.” He will be joined in conversation by Canon Sarah Snyder, founder and director of the Rose Castle Foundation, an inter-Faith peace-building organization, and Micheal O’Siadhail, distinguished Irish poet.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event.

David Frank Ford, OBE is an Anglican public theologian. He was the Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge beginning in 1991.