Sunday 29

Palm Sunday: The Blessing of the Palms & Holy Eucharist

9am - 10am
The Palm Sunday liturgy takes participants on a journey from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem through the Passion story of his betrayal, persecution and death as exp...

CCC Sunday Soup Kitchen

10am - 2pm
Cathedral Community Cares operates a weekly Sunday Soup Kitchen that serves breakfast at 10 am, a hot sit-down lunch at 12:30 pm. With no eligibility restrictions, meal s...

Palm Sunday: The Blessing of the Palms & Holy Eucharist

11am - 12:30pm
The Palm Sunday liturgy takes participants on a journey from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem through the Passion story of his betrayal, persecution and death as exp...

Palm Sunday Choral Evensong

4pm - 5pm
Choral evening prayer in the tradition of the great Cathedrals of the Anglican Communion. Preces and Responses, Anthems, and Canticles sung by the renowned Cathedral Choir.
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