Saturday 28

Morning Prayer

8am - 8:30am
A quiet spoken service, using the Book of Common Prayer, with brief prayers, a Psalm, and readings of Scripture.

Medieval Games Children's Workshop

10am - 12pm
What did people do for fun in the Middle Ages? Children will discover where sports are featured in the Cathedral, learn to play games, and create toys that were popular i...

With Angels and Archangels: Spotlight on Angelic Imagery

10:30am - 11:30am
Discover images of angels in the Cathedral's glass and stone. Learn about the role of angels in the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic scriptures, the angelic hierarchy and ho...

Holy Eucharist

12:15pm - 1pm
The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, celebrated with a sermon using the Book of Common Prayer.

Diocesan Treble Choir Festival Evensong

5pm - 6pm
Choristers from throughout the Tri-State region will combine to sing a festive Evensong at 5 pm in the Great Choir. Led by Associate Choirmaster Bryan Zaros, Associate Di...
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