Sunday 21

Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist

8am - 9am
A quiet spoken service, using the Book of Common Prayer, with scripture readings, prayers, and a short homily, as well as the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist.

Holy Eucharist

9am - 10:15am
The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, celebrated with a sermon using the Book of Common Prayer.

Cathedral Community Cares Christmas Dinner

10am - 2pm
Cathedral Community Cares will be serving a special Christmas dinner to CCC clients at the Sunday Soup Kitchen on December 21. Your food donations are needed and greatly...

Choral Eucharist

11am - 12:30pm
Our largest service, warm and elegantly formal. The repertoire of our professional Cathedral Choir, volunteer Chorale and Boy and Girl Choristers derives mostly from the...

Early Music New York: Dutch Christmas

2pm - 3pm
Early Music New York's men's choir is joined by a consort of recorders to perform late Renaissance selections from A Dutch Christmas. Featuring carols and dances by Jan P...

Choral Evensong

4pm - 5pm
Choral evening prayer in the tradition of the great Cathedrals of the Anglican Communion. Preces and Responses, Anthems, and Canticles sung by the renowned Cathedral Choir.

Dzieci Fools Mass

5:15pm - 6:45pm
The Cathedral welcomes you to see the Dzieci Theatre's signature piece, Fools Mass. This work, celebrating the miracle of life and mysteries of death, has been a well-rec...
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