Wednesday 18

Morning Prayer & Yoga

8am - 9:30am
Join us for weekly yoga surrounded by the Cathedral’s stained glass, sculpture, and spirit. At 8 am we will gather for a short service that includes brief prayers, a Psal...

Highlights Tour

11am - 12pm
Explore the many highlights of the Cathedral’s history, architecture, and artwork, from the Great Bronze Doors to the seven Chapels of the Tongues. Learn about the daily...

Celebration & Blessing of the Peacock Hutch

11:30am - 12:30pm
Join us as we unveil and bless a new hutch for the Cathedral's beloved peacocks! Process to the new hutch with Cathedral clergy and children, hear from our partner organi...

Vertical Tour

12pm - 1pm
On this adventurous, “behind-the-scenes” tour, climb more than 124 feet through spiral staircases to the top of the world's largest cathedral. Learn stories through stain...

Highlights Tour

1pm - 2pm
Explore the many highlights of the Cathedral’s history, architecture, and artwork, from the Great Bronze Doors to the seven Chapels of the Tongues. Learn about the daily...
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