Sunday 30

Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist

8am - 9am
A quiet spoken service, using the Book of Common Prayer, with scripture readings, prayers, and a short homily, as well as the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist.

Holy Eucharist

9am - 10:15am
The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, celebrated with a sermon using the Book of Common Prayer.

Choral Eucharist

11am - 12:30pm
Speaking the truth from your heart. There’s a concept. Jesus wants to know "How is the state of your human heart?"

Choral Evensong

4pm - 5pm
Choral evening prayer in the tradition of the great Cathedrals of the Anglican Communion. Preces and Responses, Anthems, and Canticles sung by the renowned Cathedral Choir.
Next day