This program of a cappella choral works explores the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Guillaume de Machaut’s (c. 1300–1377) Messe de Nostre Dame is the first known setting of the entire Mass Ordinary by a single composer. From the powerful, declamatory “Kyrie” to the tender “Agnus Dei,” this is perhaps the greatest masterpiece of medieval music.

This performance in the Chapel of St. James also includes Gregorian chant propers for the Feast of the Annunciation, and a selection of motets by Josquin des Prez (c. 1450–1521), the towering musical figure of the early Renaissance.

Guillaume de Machaut
Messe de Nostre Dame

Gregorian chant propers for the Feast of the Annunciation

Josquin des Prez
Ave maria...virgo serena
Missus est Gabriel Angelus

Heinrich Isaac
Esse virgo concipiet