The Right Reverend E. Don Taylor, Vicar Bishop of the Diocese of New York from 1994 to 2009, died on May 24, 2014. A funeral will be held on Wednesday, June 4th at 2 pm in the Cathedral. Clergy are invited to vest and process (white stoles).

A vigil will be held in the Chapel of St. James from noon to 9 pm Tuesday, June 3, and from 7:30 am to noon Wednesday, June 4. All are welcome to participate in both observances.

Vigil (Chapel of St. James)
Tuesday, June 3, 12 noon - 9 pm
Wednesday, June 4, 7:30 am - 12 noon

Requiem Eucharist (High Altar of the Cathedral)
Wednesday, June 4, 2 pm

Please visit the website of the Episcopal Diocese of New York for Bishop Taylor's biography and a message from Bishop Dietsche.

In addition to these events of the diocese in commending Bishop Taylor to God, the parish of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in the Bronx will be holding a Wake on Tuesday evening, beginning at 7:00pm. The Rev. Pierre Andre H. Duvert and the people of St. Luke's cordially invite you to the Wake, an opportunity for more personal remembrance of Bishop Taylor and his legacy. St. Luke's is located at 777 E 222nd St, Bronx, New York.