Many of the international conflicts in the world today stem from religious disagreement or misunderstanding among some or most participants. Certainly the strife in the Middle East and in parts of Africa falls into this category.

News media have mostly been excellent in their coverage of these conflicts. But reporters and correspondents often do not have sufficient background in religion to include this dimension in their reporting with any kind of nuance or detail; and even the most educated among us frequently do not understand the causes of distant conflagrations.

This one-evening conference is an exploration of the role religion plays in current events – for good or ill – as ideal, identity, source of hope and source of conflict.

Featured speakers will include Dr. Joel Rosenthal, President of the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs; Dr. Gary Sick, who teaches at the Middle East Institute and the School of International Public Affairs at Columbia; Father Patrick Ryan, SJ; and Dr. Hussein Rashid.

This program is supported by generous gifts from Carol and T. Dennis Sullivan, Raymond A. McGarrigle, Diana and Rabbi Leonard A. Schoolman, Jane and Jonathan Weld, Karen and Robert Gutheil, and Ann Bowling.