Several conductors will lead a massed choir for the New York Choral Consortium's Big Sing - Gloria! For information, please visit All are welcome, whether attending to sing or just listen. The event is free and open to the public.

Palestrina - "Gloria" from Missa Veni Sponsa Christe
Vivaldi - Gloria
Haydn - "Gloria" from Lord Nelson Mass
Mozart - "Gloria" from Mass in C Minor
Schubert - "Gloria" from Mass in G
Bach - "Gloria in excelsis" from B Minor Mass

Ryan Brandau - Amor Artis
Phillip Cheah - Central City Chorus
Tom Cunningham - Manhattan Choral Ensemble
Susan Glass - The Glass Menagerie
John Daly Goodwin - former director, NY Choral Society
Michael Kerschner - Young New Yorkers’ Chorus
John Maclay - Choral Society of Grace Church
Everett McCorvey - National Chorale
Cynthia Powell - Melodia Women’s Choir & The Stonewall Chorale
Stephen Sands - Downtown Voices