Choral evening prayer in the tradition of the great Cathedrals of the Anglican Communion. Preces and Responses, Anthems, and Canticles sung by our special guest, the Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, England.

The visit is in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the dedication of the American Memorial Chapel in St. Paul’s Cathedral. While the Cathedral of St. John the Divine is the final stop on the 2018 tour, this is not the first time the Cathedral Choir of St. Paul’s has visited St. John the Divine. The choir, founded over 900 years ago, first visited America in 1953 at the invitation of Supreme Court Justice Owen J. Roberts (1875-1955), who worked to make the ambitious visit possible as a symbol of friendship between the United States and the United Kingdom. The choir journeyed across the ocean on the Queen Elizabeth, traveling by bus and train over 8,500 miles. They performed 41 concerts, starting at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and closing two months later at Carnegie Hall.

In the spirit of ongoing cross-Atlantic camaraderie, St. Paul’s Cathedral will host the choristers of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine for a residency in the summer of 2019.